There are times when you think you should store the essential oils you have into a particular kind of glass bottles or any other container & you feel confused about it. This confusion may be the result of necessary knowledge you should possess before preserving such oils. It is thus, advice not to handle essentials oils before seasoning your mind with imperative knowledge as you may otherwise lose the special characteristics these oils possess.
Before opting for whether you should store essential oils in amber & clear glass vials, you should know that with essential oils, you can infuse medicinal qualities to products of external use. These oils are nothing else but undiluted natural compounds derived from plants. And their unique aromatic & therapeutic qualities may get deteriorated if they aren’t stored in the appropriate kind of container.
Storage containers to be chosen
As the essential oils are very strong in nature, they require extreme care & maintenance to ensure that their unique qualities are kept intact. As different kind of oils has different properties & usage, they need several different kinds of containers or vials to be taken in use for preservation. It is generally recommended to use air tight glass bottles or amber bottles while no rubber or plastic containers should be taken in use.
Amber glass vials has an advantage over clear glass bottles/vials that many essential oils are required to be stored in a cool & dark place away from the sunlight. Exposure to sunlight can have adverse effects on the oils stored in the containers.
For diluted essential oils, plastic or aluminum vials can also be taken in use. The dilution of oils means that they are being added to lotions or other products. Such diluted forms don’t get much affected by the kind of storage container taken in use. Other than that, aluminum vials & bottles can be used for storing both concentrated as well as diluted essential oils.
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