Sunday, 12 June 2016

Why Use E-Juice Containers to Store E-liquids?

The current fad of e-cigarettes & e-vaping has been gaining popularity in Canada & United States since the last few years. Along with the fad, the industry is growing by leaps & bounds. There are e-liquid manufacturers on one end while there are manufacturers & suppliers of e-juice containers on the other. As per the regulations set by authorities in this industry, e-liquids should only be stored in well-designed bottles. Heat, light & air are considered the prime factors affecting the quality of e-juices. The nicotine content in these liquids will get oxidized which changes the color & flavor. It is thus, significant for e-liquid manufacturers to consider storage factors carefully. If you are one such manufacturer pumping up this e-vaping revolution, here are the prime reasons why you should best quality bottles to pack e-liquids:

1.  Narrow Tip Bottles Are Preferred By Consumers

From a business point of view, you need to think about the convenience & quality of products you offer to your customer. And in that sense, refilling of e-cigarettes is a significant aspect. E-vapers prefer to buy e-liquids which are served in narrow tip bottles as it’s easier to refill with the narrow tips. Glass & plastic bottle suppliers serve such needs well & offer e-juice containers in bulk online.

2.  High Quality LDPE Bottles Works Best

The fact that many e-juices & flavors are acidic in nature can’t be ignored while choosing superior quality LDPE e-juice containers for storage needs. Chemical reactions may occur between the liquids & the bottles if quality of plastic isn’t considered. It is thus, best to buy best quality LDPE bottles.

3.  Range of Colors & Sizes Has Their Own Advantages

Customers like to buy e-liquids in specific quantities as per their needs & also look for the color of storage containers to make a choice. It is thus, profitable for e-liquid manufacturers to supply their products in attractive e-juice containers with colored caps, bottles & in sizes of 5ml, 10ml etc. as per their needs.

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